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Kunlun Tech won the HiThink Royal Flush 2021 "Most Influential A-Share" award

2022-01-17 15:02:00

On January 17, the HiThink Royal Flush Enterprise 2021 list was officially announced, and Kunlun Tech won the 2021 "Most Influential A-Share" award for 2021 with its excellent enterprise operation ability and brand influence, together with strong players such as Lflytek, 360, and other companies.

The HiThink Royal Flush Enterprise annual list covers four categories, including the "Most Influential" award, "Best Investment" award, "Investment Pioneer" award and "Best Organization" award. The judgement is based on the comprehensive evaluation of multi-dimensional data of listed companies and associations, such as account attention, data, individual stocks heat, daily operation, and research and investment activities. Only 50 A-share listed companies were selected for the "Annual Most Influential" award, and Kunlun Tech was among those selected.

In the future, Kunlun Tech will continue to adhere to the principles of openness, transparency and initiative, and continue to optimize investor relations through interactive communication platforms including HiThink Royal Flush Enterprise, to help promote corporate strategy and sustainable development.